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Publishing to Saladino's via the GDSN

Publishing to Saladino’s via GDSN

Cloud Data Sync

Saladino’s Foodservice joined the Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN) to receive accurate, complete, and timely product content from its supplier partners. Saladino’s quickly realized how vital this is for our success in marketing and efficiently distributing our suppliers’ products. Saladino’s Foodservice encourages suppliers to utilize the GDSN as the primary method for sharing product content.

We’ve developed a quick start guide for suppliers who have already joined the GDSN. Please follow the three easy steps below, so that we can begin to receive your product data via the GDSN.

Step 1: Determine who to publish to (UniPro or Saladino’s)

Saladino’s Foodservice is a UniPro member, and one of the benefits of being a member is that we can receive your GDSN publications through UniPro. Please review the two publishing options below to determine which method makes sense for your organization.

Subscribing and Publishing to UniPro:

Unipro Company Logo

We very much want our suppliers to realize the benefits of publishing to us through the GDSN. With that in mind, we have found that by funneling the product data through Unipro’s GLN, we are able to potentially simplify the costs for the supplier. Publishing to Unipro has the effect of making that product data available to all the distributors that are currently Unipro members, which could reduce the number of GLNs a supplier would need to publish to (and hopefully reduce their publishing costs).

Subscribing and Publishing to Saladino’s Foodservice:

Saladino's Logo

We still maintain our GDSN recipient GLN as an option for circumstances that require a certain degree of exclusivity (e.g. private label items, etc.). If it is your preference to only publish directly, then we gladly accept that arrangement as well.

Data Recipient GLNs:

UniPro’s GLN: 0018687000008
Saladino’s GLN: 1100001015337

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GS1 Signup Example

Step 2: Accept our Data Pool Subscription Request

Click here to accept our GDSN subscription request.

Please fill out the form so that our data pool (Attribytes) can initiate the subscription process.

Note: You will be asked to check a box for the recipient you are accepting subscription to (your choice for Step 1). You will be notified once the subscription is set and when we are ready to receive your publications.

Saladino's Cloud Data

Step 3: Publish your product data

Once you’ve received confirmation from our data pool (Attribytes), then you can publish your products, or your entire product catalog, to the GLN which you accepted the subscription to (your choice for Step 1).

UniPro’s GLN: 0018687000008
Saladino’s GLN: 1100001015337

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If you have any questions, please email us at:

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