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Basic Training
Get started with Saladino's Online Ordering Basic Training. This training video covers everything you need to get started with online ordering. The video begins by navigating through our website to our online ordering system. You will then be walked-through editing an order form and searching for items. Next, you will be shown how to review and submit your order. Lastly, you will be shown how to log out of the system.
Opening, Saving & Deleting Open Orders
This video will quickly teach you all of your available options for handling open orders. The video walkthrough contains logging into the online ordering system, multiple ways of continuing open orders, deleting open orders, clearing all quantities, and saving orders to create an open order. Open orders in the online ordering system show as "pending" or "in-use".
Dashboard Review
Our Dashboard review video will teach you everything you need to learn about your new dashboard. The dashboard can save you time by giving you access to account history and order history by simply logging in. This video will go over each panel of the dashboard and also show you how you may customize your Dashboard if you choose to do so.
Par List Ordering
Par List Ordering will walk viewers through creating and editing Par Lists. After creating and editing, viewers will also be shown how these Par Lists work when used to order. Using Par Lists in the ordering process is an easy and effective way to allow others to process your orders while ensuring you will receive just the right amount of each item on your next delivery.
Exporting & Importing Orders
In this video, viewers will be shown how they can export their order guides from the Online Ordering system. Although exporting your order guide can serve several purposes within your business. We will look at using your exported order guide as an order form with the use of importing orders. Don't overlook this video if you're looking for a way to save some time.
Order Guide Printing
In this video, viewers will be shown how they can quickly print their Order Guides through the Online Ordering system. Viewers will be shown how to navigate to the Online Ordering system from our website homepage. They will then be shown how to find and print their Order Guide. Lastly, they will see how they can log out. All within two minutes!
Managing User Options
This video covers all of the available options in the User Options menu. Viewers will be shown how to change their general settings, setup their sorting options, add additional or delete existing contact emails, setup their exporting preferences, customize their dashboard, and change their account password.
Multi-App Ordering
In this video, viewers are introduced to the capability of switching between our Online Ordering system and our Mobile Application. These systems run parallel with each other so you can easily begin an order in one and finish in the other without having to start over. You will also be able to view all orders that have been created within the two applications for easy order review at any time.